Saturday, May 24, 2008

5/19-22 - The Final Week

5/22 - The Final Day
This is the last day of my Spring 08 Hawk Watch. It's been a great season - I've learned a lot, enjoyed seeing the seasons change over the last 8 weeks and have been proud to be a part of this project. I'm sad to be done and hope to do this again sometime. For now it's time to move on to my summer job with Christian Adventures (see website link along the side).
Kestrel: 3 (presumably the same male seen 3x's)
Turkey Vulture: 5

Red-eyed Vireo (photo below top)
Scarlet Tanager - first year male (photo above)
Empid Flycatchers: 3+ (photo below middle)
Magnolia Warbler: one first winter female plumaged bird (photo below bottom)


American Kestrel: 2 - a male showed up today - hunting from the gide wires on the Meteorological tower close by. My 2 sightings are presumably the same bird. (see photo)


Turkey Vulture: 5

Bonaparte's Gull
Warblers: Magnolia, Yellow-rumped, Palm, Chestnut-sided, Common Yellowthroat (photo below), Wilson's, Redstart, Cape May, Blackpoll
Check out the mystery bird and test your warbler id skills (second photo below). Scroll down further for the answer.

Mystery bird.......

Mystery Bird Answer: Cape May Warbler


Accipiter Sp.: 1
Buteo Sp.: 1
Turkey Vulture: 2

Warbling Vireo
Wilson's Warbler (photo)

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